
Solar Photovoltaic Energy

Solar Photovoltaic EnergyPhotovoltaic systems may be divided into systems connected to the grid and autonomous systems. For the latter, the solar energy exploitation needs to be adjusted to the energetic demand. As the energy produced by the photovoltaic modules is not consistent (most of the times) with the occasional energy demand of a particular consumer, it is imperative to think of a storage system (batteries) and support means to the production of energy (hybrid systems). In the case of systems connected to the grid, the public grid of distribution works as an electric energy accumulator.



Summing up, photovoltaic systems may be of two kinds:

On-Grid – photovoltaic systems connected to the grid:

  • Photovoltaic microgeneration (producer regime) – the electric energy produced is sold to the grid;
  • Energy minigeneration (producer – consumer regime) – the electric energy produced is intended to be of private use or of a small private grid, and up to 50% of the energy produced may be sold to the public grid;
  • The photovoltaic energy is produced (producer – consumer regime) to self consumption or to a small private electric grid;

Off-Grid – isolated photovoltaic systems:

  • Photovoltaic energy is produced (producer Regime) for self consumption or for a small private grid;

We must also consider the hybrid systems which may be used in the same regimes:

  •     Photovoltaic and wind energy;
  •     Photovoltaic and other ones.

To choice of each of the systems must be careful studied, case by case, according to several aspects.


Solar Photovoltaic Energy  Solar Photovoltaic Energy


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