The Energetic Audit is nowadays a diagnosis and implementation tool for Energetic Rationalization Measures, essential to reduce the energetic consumption of any building or industry.
To develop tailored and economically sustainable solutions towards energetic efficiency.
- Survey and Diagnosis in the customer’s facilities of Energy Saving Measures;
- Detailed analysis for each type of energy (electricity, gas, fuel and others);
- Detailed analysis for each type of use (lighting, engines, equipment, industrial process, heating, cooling, DHW,
- compressed air systems, industrial water systems, and other supplementary systems);
- Assessment of its potential and technical-economic survey on the integration of Renewable Energies Systems and Energy Micro-production;
- Tailored solutions (in the technical and economic aspect) to each company’s context;
- Practical and quantified Energy Saving Measures, as to investment and payback;
- Identification of immediate energy saving measures and / or with reduced investment;
- Identification of energy saving measures with reduced payback;
- Advising in the negotiation of energy supply contracts and assessment of the most favorable pricing list, independent from any energy supplier.
- Proximity to the client, for a combined assessment of the priority measures;
- The permanent contact of the customer with our technicians;
- Availability to any further clarifications and / or necessary displacements to the customer’s facilities.
An Energetic and Indoor Air Quality Audit of a building in the Energetic Certification System sphere will allow:
- To assess the energetic performance of the building
- To assess the air quality indoors
- Suggest measures to allow a higher energetic efficiency of the buildings, which results in energetic saving;
- Suggest measures to allow a greater well-being of those working in the building, improving their productivity.
This will lead you to obtain the Energetic Certificate where the Energetic Level of the building will be written on. The Energetic Certification System can be applied to all Buildings of Services.

In Industry, an Energetic Audit will allow:
- A diagnosis on the energy use conditions, promotion of the energetic efficiency, including the implementation of renewable energies;
- The design and execution of Energy Consumption Rationalization Plans, establishing rationalization agreements which integrate minimum energetic efficiency aims, associating the financial incentives to their fulfillment.
The energetic Audit is a company’s competitiveness vehicle due to the energy saving it offers. Besides it is also a tool whose payback is inferior to 1 year.

As an Energetic Efficiency company, Lutche has Qualified Experts in the Energetic Certification System sphere with experience and skills to execute these Audits, as well as design the improvement measures targeted at providing a greater Energetic Efficiency and a better quality of the buildings indoor air.
In the industry sphere we have skilled Technicians acknowledged to perform an Energetic Audit, Energy Rationalization Plans and Progress and Execution Reports.
In the Measurement & Verification sphere (CMVP – Certified Measurement & Verification Professional), we are acknowledged by AEE & EVO as technically skilled. This service is mandatory for ESCO companies (Energy Services Companies).
Lutche Engineering has cumulative experience in a wide range of areas and sectors, such as:
- Foundry Industry;
- Ceramics Industry;
- Metal and Mechanic Industry;
- Continuous Care Units;
- Retirement Homes;
- Nurseries and Kindergartens;
- Hotels.